Julianna Menna
Born and raised in Russia, tattoo artist Julianna Menna has always been enamoured by art. She was fortunate enough to study at a variety of art schools in St. Petersburg, including the Russian State Art Academy. “I’ve always been interested in renaissance art and European folklore. My work is an exploration of the two with my own personal touch added,” she says. Most of her work is inspired by songs, poems, and fairytales. She’s also inspired by Old masters like Rogers van der Weyden, Lucas Nach, and Albrecht Durer. Her career as a painter served as the foundation for her tattoo work.
About twelve years ago, when I first interviewed Julianna, she was exclusively working as a professional fine artist, when she began to be drawn towards the idea of tattooing. “I felt that with my traditional background in drawing I would somehow be able to make the transition but had no idea how to get started. I did some research and talked to some people in the industry and came to the conclusion that the best way to learn would be through an apprenticeship at a really good studio. I followed through on that plan and was lucky enough to find a studio that was the right fit for me. Following my successful completion of my year long apprenticeship, I entered the industry on my own and have been tattooing ever since. I will always love painting and still go to my oils from time to time, but tattooing like any art requires the entirety of my focus and dedication. I feel like tattooing came to me at exactly the right point in my career and that the possibilities are endless.”
Julianna says her true passion is tattooing, “because it provides me with unlimited opportunities for growth as an artist. This continuing exploration is informed by my previous experience as a fine art painter and student of drawing. I’m so grateful to my clients for their trust and continued support which allows me to develop my style.”
During the Covid lockdown, she was fortunate enough to continue creating regularly, “thanks to the patronage and partnership of my wonderful clients.I’m taking a break from exhibiting in order to focus exclusively on my work as a tattoo artist.”
Follow Julianna Menna on Instagram @juliannamenna, see more of her fine art @juliannamennaart.
words by Christina Diaz